Blue Cross Pet Loss Support was launched in 1994 to help grieving pet owners. Since then they have helped thousands of pet owners of all ages and from all walks of life.
Volunteers, who have all experienced the loss of a pet and have completed a training course on how to help you, respond to calls, emails and webchat every day. They offer a listening ear and guidance on coping as you work through your loss.
Pet Loss Support also offers practical information on pet loss for friends, family members and others who have contact with pet owners.
Their mission is to reach as many people as possible with compassion and understanding, so that no one goes through the pain of losing a pet alone.

Contact Blue Cross

Blue Cross support line volunteers are not counsellors, but are trained in providing emotional support. They are there to listen and to help you gently explore how you are feeling. They are not there to tell you what to do or how to react, as everyone experiences grief in a unique way. Having direct experience of pet loss, our volunteers can empathise with what you are going through. If you do need additional help then they can point you in the right direction.

About Pet Loss Support

Maybe you can’t quite find the words to express how you feel, you feel floored by the absence of an animal, or you have questions about whether or not to get another pet. You may feel you will burden friends or family with your grief, or you are anticipating the time you will have to say goodbye to a pet who is still living, or are heartbroken about a pet who is missing or stolen. You may even wish to call about a pet who has passed away many months or even years ago. Blue Cross can support you with whatever you're feeling, whenever you want to contact them.

Coping with the loss of a Pet

Blue Cross’s handy, printable Support guides for Adults and Children during difficult times.